Spotting Scopes / Binoculars

Open World Explorers provides free use of its spotting scope optics during its events.  Spotting scopes are a critical piece of birding equipment when trying to catch views of both large and small birds at great open distances, especially hawk watching, shore birding, seabirds, and open fields.  Often these birds are far away from any disturbances, which allows for extended viewing in search of clinching field marks, ... but also great observation of natural bird behaviors.  When not on an event, these scopes are available for rental.

To inquire or reserve a spotting scope rental contact Steve at or 603.767.7895.


(Angled) Pentax PF-65ED AII with 20-60x Zoom eyepiece on a Monfrotto 190x Tripod

   Rents for $40 for half-day; $75 for full-day; $200 for a week

(Straight) Kowa TSN-2 with 20-60x Zoom eyepiece on a Montrotto 190x Tripod

   Rents for $40 for half-day; $75 for full-day; $200 for a week

(Binoculars) 7x35 Nikon Aculon (5 available)

Rents for $15 per day; $80 per week


MSR Lightning Ascent $30 per day / $20 per half-day

LLBean Summit Trekker - $20 per day / $10 per half-day


Kahtoola Microspikes - $12 per day / $7 per half-day (available for purchase - New $75)

Winter Traction 

Equipment Rentals